For entrepreneurs only
A nine-year journey
We started in 2015 as a way for underdog entrepreneurs like us to meet and grow with fellow entrepreneurs through education, dreaming of a playful rebellion that would turn the tables. Over the past nine years, Underdogs has met nearly 15,000 fellow entrepreneurs locally, beyond the capital, and across Asia. Based on its accumulated know-how in fostering entrepreneurial talent, Underdogs aims to become a practical core talent fostering organization that can become a colleague of entrepreneurs.
To address similar concerns, we created the Underdogs Action Club, a horseman-specific cohort community where entrepreneurs learn from each other through execution.

Launched Asia tomorrow, an English-language content platform that introduces local entrepreneurship stories from nine Asian countries.

We are developing a generative AI coaching solution trained on 100,000 startup data from training 15,000 entrepreneurs.

Launched a key talent program to develop entrepreneurs and their peers.

Together with NAVER, we launched <SME Brand Launcher>to help SME brands grow in a practical way.

A specialized team of Spotlight events was formed to provide special moments for entrepreneurs at 107 events with a total of 5,500 participants.

Published the 2022 Annual Report.

Underdogs surpasses 10,000 entrepreneurs.

We were the first to create a single methodology to train 100+ entrepreneurial coaches across the country.

Hana Financial Group and Hana Social Venture University>, the first regional entrepreneurship ecosystem fostering project based on 10 universities nationwide, launched <.

Sejong Youth Entrepreneurship Academy, operated by Underdogs, has been ranked second among private organizations supporting startups nationwide.

After Localize Gunsan, we opened a second co-working community space in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Launched the entrepreneurial community ‘underdogs alumni’.

We officially launched ‘UNDERDOGS COACH’, a community of startup coaches.

Underdogs launched its own non-face-to-face entrepreneurship education platform, ‘UNDERDOGS ARCHIVE’.

2021 Annual Report
has been published.
We have started a full-scale non-face-to-face startup education program.

We held ‘Local City Exhibition: The city that found me’ was held.

Launched the Underdogs Originals Report (UOR), a collection of entrepreneurship insights and real-world examples.

2020 Annual Report
was published.

Underdogs opened its first co-working community space, Localize Gunsan.

The first edition of ‘SK E&S Localize Gunsan’ was held with local governments and large companies.

‘LH-Seoul City 50 Plus Foundation Jump-Up 5060’ organized the first entrepreneurship training for prudent people.

We are also certified as a social enterprise in recognition of our social value in supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

2019 Annual Report
has been published.
We held our first local entrepreneurship training through ‘LG Social Campus Local Value Up’.

We directly invited social innovation stakeholders from four Asian countries to participate in the ‘ASIA TOMORROW NETWORK’ exchange program.

3040 We ran an “Underwoman” program to support female entrepreneurs.

I’m certified as a venture capitalist.

The first 14-week full-time immersive entrepreneurship education program was held as the 1st KT&G Imagination Startup Camp.

The first batch of ‘Coway Wi School Youth Entrepreneurship Academy’ got its first corporate partner.

We held our first global entrepreneurship training through the ‘Korea-UK-Indonesia Creative Social Enterprise Exchange Program’.

We started with the name “Underdogs,” inspired by the underdog effect.

We organized the first edition of the Underdogs Military Academy, an entrepreneurial education program for 9 aspiring entrepreneurs.