Learn from former and current entrepreneurs
based on the hands-on
Entrepreneurship Education Content
Based on their own entrepreneurial experiences and qualitative and quantitative data from meeting nearly 15,000 entrepreneurs, Underdogs coaches are constantly researching and developing methodologies, workshops, and tools to help entrepreneurs get their feet wet and get results.
At Underdogs, we’ve always been interested in how entrepreneurs can effectively communicate their first-hand experiences and insights to other entrepreneurs so that they can reduce the amount of trial and error they have to go through. Therefore, we are constantly thinking and developing know-how and data accumulated from meeting about 15,000 entrepreneurs into intuitive frames and theories.
4 Steps Practical Entrepreneurship Methodology

When you’re starting a business, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by where you are and where you want to go. The 4 Steps Practical Entrepreneurship methodology divides entrepreneurship into four phases, providing entrepreneurs with a framework for each phase, such as perspective taking and hypothesis generation, with a focus on rapid execution and validation.
6 Dimension Business Diagnostic Methodology

To make your startup sustainable, you need to be able to constantly assess your business and be flexible enough to change. The 6 Dimension Business Diagnostic Methodology is a methodology that diagnoses the current status of a startup team from six perspectives: problem, item, hypothesis testing, BM, market, and sustainability, and derives future focus areas and action points.
DOGS Entrepreneurial Aptitude Assessment Methodology

The DOGS entrepreneurship diagnosis methodology is an optimal team building methodology to understand the types of social innovation entrepreneurs by analyzing and classifying the types of entrepreneurs based on the DISC theory. The DOGS Entrepreneurial Personality Assessment methodology helps you understand the personalities and values needed for team building and lays the foundation for an organizational culture where individuals are respected.
DOGS 4.0 Startup Talent Type Diagnostic Methodology

In order to be effective, you need to know what your work characteristics are. Underdogs created the ‘DOGS Startup Talent Type Diagnostic Methodology’ based on the ‘DISC Behavioral Type Test’ to help startup workers understand their work/behavioral types and develop them into strengths.
I.O.I problem detection methodology
Inside-Out / Outside-In

As an entrepreneur, the most important thing is to define the problem you want to solve from your own perspective. The I.O.I problem exploration methodology is a methodology that helps you get to the heart of a problem by distinguishing whether the problem starts with you (IO) or is external to you (OI).
GNSC Stakeholder Research Methodology
Government – NPO – Social Venture – Company

Our society’s problems are intertwined with many different stakeholders. The GNSC Stakeholder Research Methodology is a desk and field research methodology that helps you comprehensively understand and compare the perspectives of existing stakeholders (government, NGOs, social ventures, corporations) of the problem you’re trying to solve, and derive your own perspective.
ST Matrix Question Setting Methodology

Entrepreneurs have a lot of problems they want to solve. The ST Matrix problem-setting methodology is a methodology that helps you analyze problems and set up solutions along two axes: Seriousness and Timing to help you decide which problems to solve first.
Methodology for setting up an IF matrix solution

The IF Matrix Solution Formulation Methodology is a methodology that helps entrepreneurs identify and prioritize solutions along two axes: impact and feasibility.
My disposition and capabilities as an entrepreneur,
Leadership StyleWant to diagnose?

Start up! Organizational culture workshops
Based on the DOGS entrepreneurial disposition diagnosis methodology, this workshop is designed to diagnose and reflect on the disposition of individual and organizational members to set a mission and vision to move in the same direction and create an organizational culture where individual direction and speed are respected.
Business plan and pitching mentoring workshops
This workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs best pitch their items to investors by providing realistic and direct feedback on their business from a panel of current investment executives, angel investors, and Underdogs coaches.
Business capability and health diagnostic tools
Based on the 6 Dimension methodology, this consulting tool helps founding teams objectively diagnose their unique strengths and weaknesses in any environment, online or offline, to identify areas of focus and action points for the future.
Regional stakeholder analysis workshop
Based on GNSC’s stakeholder research methodology, this workshop analyzes the key stakeholders for solving local problems with the direct participation of a regional coach.
Item Refinement Workshop
After the entrepreneur’s unique perspective is elicited, the workshop will prioritize items based on the IF Matrix methodology and refine the solution to the most feasible items.
Problem exploration and definition workshop
This workshop utilizes the I.O.I problem exploration methodology, the ST Matrix problem-setting methodology, and the GNSC stakeholder research methodology to help entrepreneurs find and define the problem they want to solve.
Check out the Underdogs Originals Report (UOR) to learn more about the hard work and application of the Underdogs coaches who have met nearly 15,000 entrepreneurs and applied various methodologies!

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