Helping entrepreneurs grow
The closest thing to a
Underdog Startup Coach
Underdogs startup coaches have always thought about and applied ways to help entrepreneurs reduce trial and error by effectively communicating their real-life startup experiences and insights from meeting entrepreneurs at home and abroad. We met with facilitators in entrepreneurship education at home and abroad who shared our vision of creating an entrepreneur-centered impact ecosystem. We created UNDERDOGS PARTNER COACH to share original Underdogs content and coaching opportunities, and to collaborate on ways to help entrepreneurs, so that we can achieve that vision together with authentic and expert facilitators.
underdogs AI Coach
A new paradigm for personalized entrepreneurship education.
AI startup coaching solution that analyzes and learns from the data of over 15,000 entrepreneurs.
Give your startup team the personalized coaching they need most, in real time, without the time, space, and language constraints.
(Coming October 2024)
Coaching based on data from many real startup teams
Personalized coaching for startup teams based on industry, context, stage, etc.
Barrier Free
Live translation online coaching to bridge language and time-space constraints

underbase 2.0
A database system that has accumulated 9 years of entrepreneurship education data

Generative AI
Create personalized content with unstructured deep learning

underdogs. Partner Coach
Established a coach development system with a high-level selection process and periodic remunerative training to secure 261 coaches in Korea. Conduct coaching with authenticity and expertise across the country, not just in the metro area.
underdogs. Global Coach
Underdogs’ global partner coaches have a deep interest in the startup ecosystem and have developed their expertise from a variety of backgrounds. They share Underdogs’ vision of effectively supporting entrepreneurs and building an entrepreneurial impact ecosystem, and have successfully completed the Underdogs Coach Training Program.

Number of domestic coaches
Number of international coaches
underdogs start-up coach

- 현) 언더독스 코치
- 전) RS건재 대표
- 전) 주식회사 모믹스 창업 크루

- 현) ㈜로드투커리어 대표
- 2022 언더독스 우수 파트너코치
- 아산나눔재단 유스프러너 기업가정신 강사

- 현) 영농조합법인 제주다 스마트물류시스템 연구
- 2022 언더독스 우수 파트너코치

- 현) (주)크리플레이 대표
- 2022 언더독스 우수 파트너코치

- 현) 디지플래닛 CEO
- 2022 언더독스 우수 파트너코치
- BM & 사업계획서 & IR 특화코칭
- 3개 아이템 연쇄창업

- 현) 뉴프레임코웍스 대표
- 전) 언더독스 마케팅 리드
- 2019-2020년 와디즈메이커

- 현) (주)래미 대표
- 강원 영동권 창업 멘토 및 자문 다수
- E - 커머스 및 마케팅
- 해외 수출 경험 다수
- 해외 IP 분쟁 및 해결 경험

- 현) ㈜ 에스티케이 대표
- 현) 모스인터내셔널 대표
- e-커머스 및 마케팅

- 전) 프레드랩 대표
- 특허법인 정안 컨설턴트
- 중소기업기술개발 지원사업 평가위원

- 현) 로컬멀티플라이 대표
- 화성시문화재단 비상임이사 역임
- 디자인씽킹 퍼실리테이터 민간자격증

- 현) 사회적기업가 육성사업 총괄 책임
- 현) 사회적기업 (통합)지원기관 총괄책임
- 전) 사회적기업가 육성사업 담임멘토(2013~2021)

- 현) 사회적기업 더하트컴퍼니 대표
- 현) 여성스타트업포럼 운영위원
- 현) 시즌비 출판사 편집장

- 현) 폴톰 공동대표
- 전) 타이드인스티튜트 선임연구원
- 전) 하나투어 이커머스 콘텐츠팀 파트장

- 현) ㈜모람플랫폼 대표
- 2021 아시아 투자문흥지구 사업 IDEA 문화체육관광부 장관상

- 뉴블랙 디렉터
- 전) 라마스낵 대표

- 현) ㈜ 크리플레이 창업
- 2018 소셜프렌차이즈 지원사업 선정
- 2018 가치가게 선정

- 전) 제주더큰내일센터 취창업연계팀 매니저
- 전) 중국 사천성 F&B 창업 프로젝트 다수

- 현) 전북창조경제혁신센터 투자육성팀
- 군산대 창업교육센터
- 창업지도사 2급

- 전) 저스트리브 주식회사 대표
- 언더독스 사관학교 7기 수료

- 전) 더하트컴퍼니 대표
- 뉴블랙 파트너 디렉터

- 문화예술사회적경제창업 지원사업 코치
- 2015~2017 E3Empower Africa 공동창업

- 현) 후앤잡 CEO (대표)
- 2021년 청년정책 우수기업 대표자 선정
- 청년창업사관학교, Start-up NEST 외 다수 지원사업 수행

- 현) 세컨드투모로우 대표
- 소셜벤처 인증 기업
- 청년창업사관학교 졸업

- 현) (주)이번주말 대표
- 현) 대구프리랜서협동조합 총괄코디
- 로컬 문화기획, 커뮤니티, 마케팅 등 자문

- 현) 사회적협동조합 살림 창업육성팀 팀장
- 사회적기업가 육성사업 담임멘토
- 창업보육전문매니저 자격 보유

- 현) (주)꽃피어날 대표
- 사회적기업가 육성사업 선정(2022)
- (사)예비사회적기업

- 스포츠 소셜벤처 휴브 공동창업
- 임팩트 투자 유치

- 현) 농업회사법인(주)그라운드스토리 대표
- 전) 함께일하는재단 선임매니저
- 전) 오마이컴퍼니 서비스운영 팀장

- 중앙대학교 창업컨설팅전공 석사과정 재학중
- 창업보육매니저 자격증
- 창업지도사 2급 자격증

- 현) 전북창조경제혁신센터 성장육성본부
- 전북지역 혁신주체 네트워크 사업

- 현) 패밀리파머스 대표
- 무디스페이스・쓰레커 대표
- 2021 카이스트 사회적기업가 MBA

- 현) 언더독스 디렉터
- 현) 나다운 대표
- 서울시 혁신형 사업, 예비사회적기업, 비대면스타트업육성사업, 초기창업패키지 등 선정

- 현) BBL Corp. 대표이사
- 전) '덕화명란' 브랜드 빌드업

- 현) 언더독스 매니저

- 사회적기업가 육성사업 담임 및 전문 멘토(2010~2022)

- 현) 플로 대표
- 현) 주식회사 세븐헌드레드 브랜드 연구소장

- 시드앤파트너스 대표이사
- 무등산브루어리 대표이사
- 아일랜드리서치 대표이사

- 현) 제주더큰내일센터 취창업연계팀
- 전) 제주사회적경제네트워크 사회적기업 통합지원
- 전) 제주관광공사 배리어프리 관광 기획

- 현) 사회적기업 청그라미 대표
- 사회연대은행 사회적기업가육성사업 담임멘토
- IBK 소셜벤처성장지원사업 운영 총괄

- 로컬라이즈군산 엑설레레이팅 선정
- 전 SBS PD

- 현) 슬리핑라이언(주) 대표
- 중기부 로컬크리에이터 기업
- 제주관광공사 J-스타트업 혁신상
- 한국관광공사 초기관광벤처

- 현) 시드앤파트너스 대표이사
- 킥스타트인베스트먼트 대표 파트너

- 현) 제클린 CSO
- 전) 제주더큰내일센터 취창업연계팀 팀장
- NHN, NC소프트, SK커뮤니케이션즈 근무

- 현) 제스티랩스(주) 대표 (스타트업 성장코칭)
- 현) 신한스퀘어브릿지 전담코치

- 현) 프리랜서 강사 (소셜벤처 창업, 공유경제 등)
- 전) 윈앤베스트컨설팅 대
- 전) 익산시 사회적경제지원센터 선임연구원

- 현) ODUJEJ 대표
- Casa de orpheu 공동대표
- 삼성 스마트 크리에이터스랩

- 현) 스몰액션 주식회사 대표
- 업사이클링 분야 특허 다수
- 예비사회적기업

- 현) 군산시사회적경제지원센터 팀장
- 오가닉스 샴푸·카밀 핸드크림 브랜드 매니저
- (예비)사회적기업 지정·인증절차 전문

- 2022 고용노동부 사회적기업진흥원 사회적기업가육성사업 선정
- 2022 중소벤처기업부 창업진흥원 예비창업패키지 최우수 기업
- (주)담장너머 공동대표
- 성동구청 예비창업자 멘토

- 주식회사 웰바이 창업 및 Exit
- 주식회사 미로 사업전략팀
- 한양대학교, 글로벌사회적경제학과 박사과정

- 현) 지역관리회사 (주)지방 대표
- 군산 영화타운 총괄 매니지먼트
- 전시 및 공연기획사 개복인 대표

- 현) (사)충남사회경제네트워크 창업지원실 팀장
- 사회적기업가육성사업 담임멘토

- 현) Sheeps Inc. CEO
- 산업현장 안전관리 제품 및 시스템 창업, Exit
- 서울, 인천 IT 창업 컨설팅 및 협업

- 현) (주)원스텝 대표
- 현) (주)하호종합건설 대표
- 디자인씽킹 대학 강의 진행

- 현) 디지플래닛 이사
- 스포츠 분야 멘토링 및 강연 다수

- 현) 이유 사회적협동조합 CSO
- 현) 부산관광벤처협의회 부회장/li>
- 전) 부산, 경남 공유경제 전문멘토

- 현) (주)여수와 대표이사
- LG로컬밸류업 대상
- 콘텐츠사업 투자대회 1위

- 현) 언더독스 파트너
- 전) 빅워크 대표

- 현) 장서 공동대표
- 전) 언더독스 디렉터
- 전) 오라 대표(사회적기업가 육성사업단 10기)

- 한성대학교 창업R&D센터 교수
- 교육부 미래교육위원회 現 위원
- (사)한국업사이클디자인협회 前 협회장

- 현) (주)가로주름 / (주)로지컬컴퍼니 대표이사
- 2020 대한민국 인재상
- 2020~2021 LH소셜벤처
underdogs Global coach

Benjamin is Co-Founder to the well-known real estate and housing development company, Modern Lao Homes, in Vientiane, Laos, a place he now calls home since 2015. He is passionate about Urban Development and Smart Cities and have since ventured out to complete numerous housing developments emphasizing on quality and design that stands out from its competitors. His passion for Smart City development and sustainability also brings him to his current project of introducing Electric Tuk Tuks to replace diesel run Tuk Tuks in the city.
Benjamin is also a proud member of the Global Shapers Community (an initiative by the World Economic Forum) and leads the local Vientiane Hub to carry out numerous projects that tackles the issue of youth and women empowerment, gender equality, road safety, human trafficking and sustainability to name a few. He believes that service to the community is not an image thing but rather an act of sowing so that future generations can have a future where they can pursue their dreams.
Benjamin was educated at Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Born in Malaysia but his exposure to the economic development in Laos has given him exposure towards the gripping curse of poverty and that has since developed a deep passion towards policies to combat and alleviate poverty.

Korakot Tanseri is a third culture kid that grew up between the Lao and the French culture. He graduated from a Master degree in Civil Engineering and Urban planning at l’INSA de Lyon, in France. He is passionate about architecture and urban sociology and lives in Vientiane, capital of Laos, a charming and calm city rich in culture and traditions. Korakot pursuits a career in the construction field as a Project Manager in a leading construction design and consultancy company in Laos, Archineer Associates. As a citizen of Vientiane, He feels responsible to contribute on shaping his city and community to be more livable, more resilient and more sustainable through his skills, knowledge and passions. He believes that “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” (Jane Jacobs])

Luckanong is a founder and CEO of Cre8 Marketing and Advertising Sole Co., Ltd and a former brand manager of Unilever Laos. With 9 years of marketing experience in 5 different countries and in diverse industries, she has a proven track record in developing strategic marketing plans and in ensuring the effectiveness of marketing activities online and offline. She has won 4 startup competitions both in Laos and overseas and was a recipient of AusAid Scholarship, where she did her Bachelor’s in Marketing, as well as Chevening Scholarship, where she did her Master’s in International Tourism and Hospitality Management.

Hello beautiful people! I have studied “Creative Design” in Tokyo, Japan. I have 3 years full time working experience in “Digital Marketing”. Travelled 26 countries so far and still counting. At the moment, working and living in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. “Anything is possible, if you just believe!”

Uyanga Enkhbold is CEO of the Women Entrepreneur Mentors Club, NGO mandated to advance women entrepreneurs through providing economic opportunities such as networking, capacity building and mentoring to women. She was also founder and former CEO of the Developing Bank of Mongolia.
With her experience in project management, managing Women Entrepreneur Mentors Club, and organizing training and events, Uyanga has become Underdogs Global Facilitator to promote social entrepreneurship in Mongolia as she sees it as a solution to many social and environmental issues in Mongolia.

3 years expereincing, working support the MSME women-owned business and support directly 24 women-owned business to access the equipment grants up to US$10,000 and also a mentor of the program manager and a few of the women enterprenuers.

Loem Lida is a co-Founder and Head of Programs & Head Facilitator of ‘SHE Investments’.
Loem Lida is in the business of elevating businesswomen. As co-founder of SHE (Support Her Enterprise) Investments, a business incubator, and accelerator program, Lida’s goal is to promote economic growth in the Kingdom by equipping female business leaders with the tools they need to be successful.
While a majority of businesses in Cambodia are owned by women, female-led businesses account for only 2% of the Kingdom’s formal economy – and SHE Investments is set on changing this statistic. Since launching in 2015, the program has supported more than 250 women, with an average of 155% revenue growth for participants. With expansion plans in the works, Lida said that SHE will be operating in Siem Reap before the year’s end and will be working in an additional three provinces by the end of 2020.

I had been in education business since 2007 from the life of an English teacher. Still the spirit of teaching was in me and again trained as a trainer in 2014 by CEFE International and SIYB (ILO) and a Master Trainer of SIYB (ILO) in 2016. Conducting most of my trainings Shan State, hilly region and a land where avriculture grow well.I would like to develop entrepreneurial mindset to the local ethnic. On the other side, I would also like to develop Myanmar youth to have entrepreneurial spirit. Training got from Underdog would guide me fulfill my intention.

Mya Myo Chel is Head of PS Business School Mandalay as well as Project Director of PS Business School. She is also a Social Enterprise Consultant at British Council, Myanmar and SIYB Trainer certified by ILO. She participated in the International Visiting Leadership Program in the U.S. with the Social Enterprise Program in 2015 and actively participated in Social Enterprise development programs in South Korea, Bangkok, and Thailand. She is Education Management practitioner and active developer of SMEs and Social Enterprises in development programs through educational pathway.

I have over 20 years working expereince in retail business. Especially for fashion business including design and operation. I founded my own brand since 2013 and running well. My hobby is to learn and share on relative business and stastic analysis.

Norby Roque Salonga is a development practitioner, management consultant, and program developer/manager of over 15 internationally recognized programs. A trainer and public speaker with portfolio of over 130 trainings, 78 local/international speaking engagements and organizer of 120 events. A social innovations mentor and a social entrepreneur of over 50 start ups/social enterprises. Asia-Pacific Engagement Leader (Finalist) of the Year by ACEEU, Gat Apolinario Mabini (National) Awardee, and Professional Fellow of YSEALI for Economic Empowerment by the US States Department and American Council for International Education.

Luu Thu Giang is a Head of incubation of National Economic University Center of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She managed all works involving student start-ups incubating includng setting up schedules, organizing Incubation programs and coordinating studetns, investors and companies. She is also a co-founder and COO of KTB E-commerce.
She was a trainer and mentor for student startup projects in NEUrON 2020 Incubation Program. As a coach, she attended National Economic University(NEU) student attending HULT PRIZE regional round.

Huy Nguyen is a faculty member of the Foreign Trade University. He has had one year as Endowment Fund Project Manager & Startup Incubation Program Manager of the Foreign Trade University, and five years as Director of External Relations and Recruitment of the Executive MBA Vietnam, University of Hawaii.
He has mentored many Vietnamese student teams to win international business/ startup competitions, such as Global Social Venture Competiton, ICAEW Southeast Asia Regional Business Challenge, Mekong Business Plan Challenge. He is an inspiring initiator and advisor for Vietnam Social Innovation Competition

Tran Dieu Anh is founder of Papa’s – a social enterprise to be a model of lean start-up that ‘small and beautiful’ and has developed a sustainable space named Dream Up that creates connecting hub for youth’s experiences in permaculture, traditional hand-craft and natural building.
Nurturing core values from environment & sustainable projects for 11 years with Anthropological approach, she is keen on the circular economy that focuses on ecological balance and people-centered development.

Chau working as a lecturer and independent researcher at the Sociology and Social Work department, Hue University of Science, Viet Nam. Her work focused on development studies, development policy, and inclusive innovation. She believes in the power of academic knowledge and problem-based approaches can well adapt to the innovation process since it allows innovator to have thoughtful insight and well predict the risk as well as opportunities rationally. You can only cure the problem with the right diagnosis, social and scientific innovation all have to come from thorough understanding.