With entrepreneurs,
Helping entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial coaches connect with each other and
A community to grow with

Underdogs is a group of nearly 10,000 entrepreneurs who have completed entrepreneurship training programs,

We plan and run educational and community programs to support the active networking and sustainable growth of entrepreneurial coaches who discover and nurture entrepreneurs together at home and abroad.


Underdogs created ud.alumni, a community of entrepreneurs, to help entrepreneurs apply what they’ve learned and adapt to challenges even after they’ve completed the program. We aim to be an entrepreneur-driven community where entrepreneurs take ownership and share inspiration and support with fellow entrepreneurs.

Opened KakaoTalk channel at underdogs.alumni

To facilitate interaction, we have a dedicated open KakaoTalk channel for real-time communication and information sharing.

Foster collaboration among entrepreneurs
Networking Programs

Based on online platforms such as regular newsletters and open KakaoTalk channels, we provide entrepreneurs who have participated in the Underdogs Entrepreneurship Training with necessary startup templates, tools, and support information, and run various networking programs to freely share information, collaborate, and grow together.

Entrepreneurial Growth
Training Programs

Through a variety of solution programs, including online and offline entrepreneurial coaching, expert classes on entrepreneurial practices such as law and finance, and online impact investing to help you connect with VC investors, we work with you to solve common problems faced by early-stage entrepreneurs so that you can focus on your startup and create opportunities for growth.

Online Live Coaching

Last year, we held online live coaching sessions where Underdogs coaches and speakers from ud.crew listened to and coached entrepreneurs on their concerns in real time, as well as networking sessions between participants. We’re working on better organization and a more diverse ud.crew.

What the ud.crew says

Underdogs Entrepreneurship Training
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At Underdogs, we’ve been in the entrepreneurial education space and seen some of the most genuine enablers, and we thought that helping them systematically support entrepreneurs would contribute to a better world. We envision a community centered around entrepreneurial coaches who share coaching opportunities with Underdogs original content and think about how they can better help entrepreneurs.


To facilitate collaboration between startup coaches
Networking Programs

Entrepreneurial coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, including lecturers, former and current entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, accelerators, VCs, and more, and they all bring different insights to the table as they go through the coach training program.
Online communication channels, regular seminars and conferences, and other networking programs enable us to share insights and create opportunities for collaboration.

Entrepreneurial Coaches for Growth
Training Programs

We conduct coach training programs based on Underdogs original content and years of educational program planning and coaching know-how, and provide real-world coaching opportunities for successful startup coaches through ud.alumni connections, where they can use Underdogs original content. We also provide semi-annual refresher training to keep you updated with the latest training content in line with trends, and our Underdogs coaches provide ongoing coaching feedback to strengthen your coaching skills.

What ud.crew has to say